AGPS Design Features and Tools

The Aero Grid and Paneling System (AGPS) is an interactive, three-dimensional, parametric, surface modeling programming language. It features superior geometry creation, modification, analysis, computational pre-processing and graphic post-processing capabilities necessary for effective and rapid engineering use. AGPS includes extensive curve, surface, and volume generation options, curve and surface intersection algorithms, raster imaging, structured/unstructured grid extraction, several supported input formats, and a flexible output capability for interfacing with any engineering analysis codes.

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Features List

(a) Surface Geometry System
(c) Pre- and Post Processing
(e) Data Translation
(g) Advanced Visualization
(b) Modeling Tools
(d) Programming Environment
(f) Automation

"The AGPS programming language can solve any geometry problem you can conceive." "You don't have to be a CAD specialist to model with AGPS"

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